Upcoming Shows

Current and upcoming shows are listed below. A button to purchase tickets will only be available for those shows which are currently open for purchasing tickets.

Register for The Attic Theatre's Director Workshop (Saturday, July 27th, 1-3 PM)

Register for The Attic Theatre's Director Workshop (Saturday, July 27th, 1-3 PM)

Join us for an afternoon of diving deeper into the skills and techniques of theatre direction. We will cover a range of topics including communication with actors, creating a vision and effective direction techniques as well as time for discussion and application.

Taught by Attic Theatre Chairman of the Board, Sharla Cina and Artistic Director, Rebecca Roy.

There is not a cost for this class but registration is required.

The Workshop will take place in Meeting Room B at the Hamilton County East Library of Noblesville. Attic Theatre 2024-2025 Season Directors should arrive at noon, an hour early.

Event Information

Event Date 07-27-2024 1:00 PM
Event End Date 07-27-2024 3:00 PM
Capacity 30
Registered 7
Available Place 23
Individual Price No Cost
Location Hamilton Country East Library in Noblesville

We are no longer accepting registration for this event

Location Map